Bayside Budget Approved

Bayside Council approved the Operational Plan & Budget 2024/25 at the Council Meeting on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

This balanced budget demonstrates Council's ongoing commitment to financial stability while meeting the aspirations of our diverse community, including initiatives that bring much needed recreational facilities to Bayside, while continuing to maintain and upgrade our assets.

Some key highlights for 2024/5 include:

  • Botany Aquatic Centre Redevelopment
  • Mascot Oval Upgrade
  • Sir Joseph Banks Amenities and Carpark upgrade
  • Boulevarde Car Park Redevelopment
  • Pedestrian and Cycle Links to Riverine Park

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on Council's proposed Operational Plan & Budget 2024/25 that was placed on public exhibition from Monday 29 April to Monday 27 May 2024.

Council's adopted Operational Plan and Budget 2024/25 can be viewed online.

Mayor Saravinovski said:

"I am pleased we delivering major projects designed to improve our quality of life, and I look forward to continually working with our community to ensure a better future for Bayside," Mayor Bill Saravinovski said.

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