Bayside Council Wins Risk Management Award

Bayside Council was presented with the Excellence in Risk Management, Risk in Focus Award at the CivicRisk Mutual Forum held on Thursday 20 March at the Novotel Wollongong.

Bayside Council won this award for the risk management carried out as part of the Barton Park Recreational Precinct Upgrade.

The project saw Bayside Council transform a former landfill site and sewage farm into a premier sporting facility with safe recreational spaces for family outings, bird watching, exercise and environmental education opportunities along the Rockdale Wetlands Corridor.

Site remediation works were carried out in strict accordance with recommendations provided by an environmental scientist.

Construction of the new grandstand and other amenities were assessed under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) for any potential environmental impacts.

Council followed best practice standards to protect the environmental, and ensure the upgraded sports fields, lighting and facilities met the needs of the local community and sporting.

The Barton Park Recreational Precinct upgrade is Bayside Council's biggest project to date.

Bayside Mayor Edward McDougall said

"This is a wonderful achievement. I would like to thank everyone who helped bring Council's vision to life by transforming this former landfill site into a premier sporting and recreational facility for the community to enjoy."

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