Bayside Mayor Pushes for Transparency in Vic Planning

Bayside Mayor, Councillor Hanna El Mouallem recently spoke to the ABC's 7:30 program as part of their segment on housing.

Council has been advocating for greater transparency and collaboration with the Victorian Government around their proposed planning reforms.

The proposed reforms include a dramatic increase in housing density within Bayside and Council has grave concerns about how this increase would impact existing infrastructure, neighbourhood character, traffic congestion, heritage and open space.

Speaking to the ABC, Cr El Mouallem reiterated community concerns around the reforms.

Watch the ABC's 7:30 program here

(Please note you need an ABC iView account to access)

Advocating for greater planning outcomes for Bayside

Bayside has a well-established strategic planning framework that directs and accommodates housing growth in activity centres whilst preserving neighbourhood character.

Extensive community engagement helped to shape structure plans for all Bayside's major, neighbourhood and small activity centres.

Bayside also has a strong track record of approving planning applications within the Victorian Government's specified timeframes.

Bayside stands ready to work collaboratively with the Victorian Government to achieve the best possible outcomes for our community while accommodating housing growth.

We will also be advocating to the Victorian Opposition to raise the concerns of our community.

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