Bayside Seniors Singalong

Bayside Council is presenting a Seniors Singalong at the Botany Town Hall on Thursday 20 March, as part of the NSW Seniors Festival.

This event celebrates the role and contribution seniors make to our community.

The Seniors Singalong will showcase the talents of two local singing groups, the Sing Your Heart Out Choir and Lakes Singers Choirs, both led by Christina Mimmocchi.

Attendees can dress up or simply come along and enjoy a trip down memory lane listening to some of the greatest rock 'n' roll hits from the 50s and 60s.

This free event promises to be a fun day when you can enjoy a light lunch as well as the opportunity to win some amazing prizes.

This event is being held as part of the NSW Seniors Festival 2025.

Seniors Singalong

Thursday 20 March

From 10am - 12.30pm

Botany Ton Hall

This is a free event. Registration is essential.

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