BC Secures 2024 Wildfire Funds from Minister Sajjan

Public Safety Canada

In 2024, British Columbia saw over 1,600 wildfires burn approximately one million hectares of land. Between April 21 and October 7, 2024, over seven thousand residents were evacuated from their homes. Multiple residences, provincial infrastructure, provincial recreation sites and trails, and range fencing were destroyed.

Today, the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, President of the King's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Emergency Preparedness and Minister responsible for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada, announced payments of over $35 million to British Columbia through the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA) program, to assist with response and recovery costs resulting from the wildfires in 2024.

When a large-scale natural disaster happens, the Government of Canada can provide financial assistance to provinces and territories through the DFAA program. Through this support, the Government of Canada covers eligible disaster response and recovery expenses that have been submitted by the province or territory and that exceed what they could reasonably be expected to bear on their own.

Extreme weather events and natural disasters are a growing threat to the safety and economic stability of Canadian communities. The Government of Canada has and will continue to work closely with the Government of British Columbia to respond to and recover from disastrous events such as the recent wildfires.

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