Eden Memorial Pool mural.
27 March 2024
The Shire's outdoor swimming pools will close on Thursday 28 March, marking the end of another successful swimming season.
Council's Aquatic and Leisure Facilities Coordinator, Nic Hoynes said while we've faced some challenges this year, there's been a magnitude of reasons to celebrate.
"One highlight of the season has been seeing the Candelo Swim Club start back up again, as well as seeing strong participation in swimming clubs across the Shire, including the Sapphire Coast 'Sting Rays' Adult Swimming Club", Mr Hoynes said.
"The Eden Lap it up Club's mural contribution has brightened up the facility at the Eden Memorial Pool, enriching the experience for swimmers and visitors alike."
"We also saw multiple successful pool programs across various sites, including the Bega Valley Sound Collective and Candelo Performing Arts Society hosting another successful pool party at the Candelo Pool, and Reclink Bega Valley hosting Aqua classes, pool parties and swimming programs.
"Aqua classes were also held at the Cobargo Swimming Pool, which were well-received by the community and with strong attendance numbers recorded."
"Bega War Memorial Pool showcased an impressive range of swimming and school programs, ensuring residents have access to a high standard of aquatic education, swimming and recreational opportunities."
"As we bid farewell to our current Bega Pool operators, Zoe and Mark Philipzen, we extend our sincere thanks for their invaluable contribution to our community's wellbeing. Their dedication has been crucial to delivering programs and services promoting an active and healthy lifestyle, including their ongoing contribution to swimming in the Bega Valley."
"Planning for the management of Bega Pool for next season is underway and we will update the community as these details are finalised."
"We look forward to being ready to reopen next spring for another excellent season."
The indoor Sapphire Aquatic Centre in Pambula will remain open throughout the coming cooler months.