Berge Mawson Report Published

UK Gov

Fatal accident on board a bulk carrier at Bunyu Island anchorage, Indonesia.

Today, we have published our accident investigation report into the deaths of three stevedores in a cargo hold access space on board Berge Mawson on 27 June 2022 at Bunyu Island anchorage, Indonesia.

Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents, Andrew Moll OBE, said:

Cargo operations on board bulk carriers require stevedores and other shore workers to carry out tasks on board, often working separately from the crew. In this accident, it is evident that the stevedores did not have sufficient understanding of the hazards posed by coal cargoes nor, more worryingly, had they received training about the dangers associated with entering enclosed spaces.

Although Berge Mawson's crew were well-trained in their emergency response to enclosed space accidents, their drill scenarios did not involve shore workers who could be on board at the time. In the crew's rush to collect rescue equipment they left the entry point to an enclosed space containing a noxious atmosphere unguarded, and this oversight tragically led to the second and third stevedores dying in a well-intentioned but misguided attempt to rescue their colleague.

Despite international and industry guidance on the training stevedores should receive before working on bulk carriers, InterManager data shows that, of the 257 enclosed space fatalities reported between 1999 and 2023, 67 (26%) were stevedores or shore workers. To help prevent further loss of life it is essential that bulk carrier and terminal operating procedures, practices and training equip shore workers to operate safely on board the vessels they attend.

This investigation was carried out by the UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) on behalf of the Isle of Man Administration in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the MAIB and the Red Ensign Group Category 1 registries of Isle of Man, Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar .

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