A valve is being replaced at the Berridale water reservoir from Monday 17 March to Wednesday 19 March 2025. This essential maintenance may affect water pressure for properties connected to town water on these dates.
Essential information |
Where: | Berridale, entire township | |
Date: | Monday 17 March to Wednesday 19 March 2025 | |
Time: | 7.30am to 4.30pm each day | |
Purpose: | Valve replacement at the water reservoir |
We do everything we can to ensure water clarity isn't negatively affected by our work, but you might find some cloudy water coming from your taps once work is complete.
You can run an outside tap for a few minutes after 4.30pm each day, as a precaution, to flush the plumbing at your property.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we conduct this essential water maintenance work.
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