Road sealing works on Boundary Drain Road and Main Drain Road in Koo Wee Rup have now been completed.
The works form part of Cardinia Shire Council's $25 million Strategic Sealed Roads Project.
Works commenced in November 2020 and have now provided Koo Wee Rup with 7.3 kilometres of newly sealed road along:
- Boundary Drain Road - from Station Street to Denhams Road, and
- Main Drain Road - from Denhams Road to Ballarto Road.
Both Boundary Drain Road and Main Drain Road have also been fitted with high-performance 75-watt LED solar lighting around intersections and traffic islands to improve safety and environmental sustainability. These roads have also been fitted with experimental solar-operated pavement markers.
Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Owen said that Council's $25 million investment in the Strategic Sealed Roads Project will seal approximately 40 kilometres of local unsealed roads in seven locations across the municipality over the next two years.
"Council's Strategic Sealed Roads Project will connect existing sealed roads in the places that they will deliver the most benefit - such as around schools and community facilities and in the highest-traffic areas. The program will provide residents with better access to sealed roads, which will reduce wear and tear, and lower maintenance costs for commuters.
"Additionally, the program will reduce environmental impacts in the shire normally associated with unsealed roads, including run-off and dust, while improving comfort and service levels for road users," Cr Owen said.
Other roads and locations in Council's Better Local Roads – Strategic Sealed Roads program include:
- LL Road: the entire length (Officer)
- Armytage Road: LL Road to Brown Road (Officer)
- Evans Road: whole length (Bunyip)
- Bessie Creek Road: unsealed section (Nar Nar Goon)
- Denhams Road: unsealed section (Koo Wee Rup)
- Mt Lyall Road: Westernport Road to municipal boundary (Heath Hill)
- Thewlis Road: Peck Road to Brown Road (Pakenham)
- Dore Road: whole length (Pakenham)
- Huxtable Road: whole length (Pakenham Upper)
- McGregor Road: whole length (Rythdale)
- Soldiers Road: McGregor Road to Hobson Road (Rythdale)
- Hobson Road: Ballarto Road to Soldiers Road (Rythdale).