Beyond Solo: Multiple Paths to Business Growth

Chuckle Communications

In a world that celebrates growth, the idea of scaling can feel overwhelming or simply impossible for solopreneurs and freelancers.

But running your own show doesn't have to mean staying small.

In Beyond Solo, Sara Howard shares a clear guide to sustainable business expansion without burnout, exploring a number of models soloists can use to grow their businesses (without finding more hours in the day).

Whether it's outsourcing, building a collective, or launching products for passive income, Beyond Solo is written to equip freelancers and sole traders with strategies to create a thriving business on their own terms.

There are 1.6 million self-employed businesses in Australia and this number is increasing, showing the shift towards self-employment is real. But most soloists don't have a clear plan when it comes to growth.

In Beyond Solo, Sara details step-by-step how to scale your solo business and create a business model that's the right fit for you.

"This is the book I wish I'd had when I was first starting out," says Sara.

"Most people think growing means having to hire a team or start an agency, but there are plenty of creative ways to expand your business, and not all of them involve taking on employees. Whether you want to stay as a team of one or build a business empire, Beyond Solo takes the guesswork out of business growth."

Featuring case studies of people with real life experience of growing their solo businesses in creative ways, and built on Sara's own experience of running her own business and scaling it to a thriving agency, Beyond Solo is as inspiring as it is practical.

In it you'll learn:

  • How to recognise the right time and way to scale your business

  • Five mix-and-match models for business growth, from outsourcing to collectives

  • The practical foundation every business needs for sustainable success

  • How to avoid the common pitfalls of self-employment, including burnout and financial instability

  • How to plan for a profitable exit strategy, even as a solopreneur

  • Real-world insights from business founders and freelancers from around the world

Whether you're just dipping a tentative toe into the world of self-employment or you're an established soloist ready to step things up to the next level, Beyond Solo will help you navigate the journey and decide on the direction that's right for you.

Advance Praise for Beyond Solo:

"Sara writes with such kindness and wisdom. Reading Beyond Solo is like sitting down with a mentor who really cares about your business, and wants to see you succeed. No matter where you are in your business journey, this book will help you see your path clearly and know what steps you need to take to get there. It contains so many nuggets of gold – every few pages, I find myself shouting, "Aha!" Everyone who wants to run their own show, and be successful at it, needs this book." Carolyn Tate, Founder, Stellar Content

"Beyond Solo is a thoroughly comprehensive read packed full of actionable insights for freelancers wondering, 'what next – and how do I get there?' The explanations of the different types of business models, the contributions from business owners at different stages of growth, and Sara's warmth, wisdom, wit and practicality, combine to inform and inspire. This is a truly generous book, a mentorship and motivation manual in written form. I've grown from reading it." - Anna Featherstone, Author

Beyond Solo is available at all major bookstores and online retailers. For more details, visit

About us:

Sara Howard is a copywriter, content marketer, and founder of Writers Australia, a copywriting and content agency she spent 18 years growing into the go-to writing team for major corporates and not-for-profits.

While growing her agency from very-part-time-while-wrangling-toddlers to a talented in-house team and impressive roster of clients, Sara pioneered a different kind of agency culture.

With a background in content strategy and business growth, she has developed a deep understanding of how to build a successful business while maintaining work-life balance. Beyond Solo is the guide she wishes she'd had at the start of her journey.

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