President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. welcomed President-elect Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia of Venezuela to the White House to discuss shared efforts to restore democracy in Venezuela. President Biden emphasized that the world was inspired by the millions of Venezuelans who courageously voted for democratic change in Venezuela's deeply flawed July 28 presidential election, as demonstrated through the collection of voting tally sheets that indicated that Gonzalez Urrutia received the most votes by an insurmountable margin. Both leaders agreed there is nothing more essential to the success of democracy than respecting the will of the people, as expressed through a transparent and accountable electoral process, and that Gonzalez Urrutia's campaign victory should be honored through a peaceful transfer back to democratic rule. Both leaders also expressed deep concern regarding Nicolas Maduro and his representatives' unacceptable and indiscriminate use of repression against peaceful protestors, democracy activists, and civil society. President Biden noted he would be following the planned January 9 protests in Venezuela closely and emphasized Venezuelans should be allowed to express their political opinions peacefully without fear of reprisal from the military and police. President Biden reiterated his support for Venezuela's democratic aspirations and underscored the U.S. commitment to continue to hold Maduro and his representatives accountable for their anti-democratic and repressive actions, including by working closely with democratic allies in the hemisphere and around the world.
Biden Meets Venezuela's President-Elect Gonzalez Urrutia
The White House
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