Biden Speaks at Press Gaggle

The White House

Waffle House

Atlanta, Georgia

12:18 A.M. EDT

Q Mr. President, how did you think you performed tonight?

Q How do you think you did tonight?

THE PRESIDENT: I think we did well.

Q Do you have any concerns — Democrats are concerned that — that you should drop out, that you're — that you're not fit for the job by your voice, your performance tonight. Do you have any concerns about your performance?

THE PRESIDENT: No. I th- — it's hard to c- — hard to debate a liar. The New York Times pointed out he made — lied 26 times — big lies. He didn't tell the tru- —

Q Are you suffering from a cold? Your campaign said that you're — you're sick.

THE PRESIDENT: I have a sore throat.

12:19 A.M. EDT

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