Bifunctional Film Boosts Zn Anode Stability

Tsinghua University Press

Professor Gu Xingxing's team at Chongqing Technology and Business University (CTBU) collaborated with Prof. Yanglong Hou's team at Sun Yat-sen University recently developed a novel "zincophilic- hydrophobic" dual-function artificial SEI membrane based on biomass furfuryl alcohol (FA). In this study, carboxyl carbon nanotubes, COOH-CNT, with polar organic molecules (furfuryl alcohol, FA) experienced an in-situ reaction on the surface of zinc foil, to form an artificial SEI film (PFA-COOH-CNT) that is both zincophilic and hydrophobic to stabilize the Zn anode. With the PFA-COOH-CNT SEI film on Zn anode, during plating/stripping process, the Zn2+

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