Bigger Budget, Bigger Impact: SA Youth Week Boosted!

SA Gov

A youth disability network, a multicultural youth organisation and a host of regional councils are among 29 recipients to be awarded record grant funding to host events during SA Youth Week 2025 from 9 to 17 April.

The State Government has awarded $70,267 in grant funding, up from $50,000 in 2024, to not-for-profit community groups, non-government organisations and local councils working with young people.

Recipients were each awarded up to $2,500 to deliver a range of exciting and inclusive events for young people aged 12 to 25 in their local community.

This year's funding round saw a strong response, with an unprecedented number of applications coming in from across the state, underscoring the growing interest in celebrating and empowering young people.

SA Youth Week offers a platform for young people to showcase their ideas, talents, and contributions to the community, with events that are free or low-cost and organised for and by young people. Some of the exciting events include:

City of Onkaparinga: Wardli Youth Block Party, Christie Downs: Music, art, dance, food, youth markets and much more. By young people for young people.

Multicultural Youth SA, Thebarton. Youth Connect: Celebrating Diversity and Building Community. Fun and interactive activities, workshops, and cultural performances aimed at bridging gaps between newly arrived young people and the broader community.

Enabled Youth Disability Network (EYDN): Sprout cooking class for young people with disability, Hilton.

Coordinated by the Department of Human Services, SA Youth Week is the state's biggest celebration of young people, with nine days of events and activities, including arts, culture, sports and community-building initiatives.

All organisations working with young people are encouraged to host SAYW events and submit them for inclusion in the official SAYW calendar. A range of promotional resources such as posters and social media tiles are also available on the SA Youth Week page to help boost event visibility.

SA Youth Week runs from 9 to 17 April 2025. For more information, visit

As put by Minister for Human Services Nat Cook

SA Youth Week 2025 once again promises to be varied, vibrant, and full of exciting opportunities for young people to engage, learn, and celebrate together.

We've listened to community feedback and in 2025, SA Youth Week will take place in April, aligning it with the school holidays and Youth Week celebrations in other states.

The level of enthusiasm and interest in hosting events for young people has been through the roof and we know events aren't run for free, so we've responded by increasing the level of grant funding to $2,500 per recipient, up from $2,000 last year.

This year's funding round attracted the largest number of applications to date, and it's incredibly rewarding to see such a wide variety of recipients from every corner of South Australia.

As put by City of Onkaparinga Team Leader Youth, Jenna Bloom

We're excited to again celebrate SA Youth Week with our Wardli Block Party at Christie Downs. This event is a celebration of our young people, featuring youth-led stalls, interactive sports and recreational activities, arts and crafts, live performances, and complimentary food.

Following the festivities, we'll host our annual Youth Recognition Awards, honouring the outstanding achievements and contributions of young individuals in our community.

The awards are proudly delivered and hosted by our Onkaparinga Youth Committee, a dedicated group of young volunteers who collaborate with the council to amplify the voices of youth in local government.

As put by Louie Dempsey, Project Leader, Enabled Youth Disability Network (EYDN) –- Accessible Cooking class with Sprout Cooking School

This hands-on cooking class for young people with disability aged 16-25 years old has been tailored for attendees can learn new skills and gain confidence in a friendly, inclusive and supportive environment. The Cooking class will be held at Sprout Cooking School on the 15th of April from 5 pm, where we will come to together to learn, cook and eat our delicious creations.

SA Youth Week 2025 – full list of grant recipients

Metropolitan Adelaide

  • Aboriginal Community Housing - Tika Tirka Week of Fun, Adelaide
  • Australian Refugee Association - Harmony Fest: Celebrating Diversity Through Culture, Salisbury
  • City of Burnside – Burnside Geekfest, Tusmore
  • City of Charles Sturt – Youth Makers Market, Brompton
  • City of Onkaparinga - Wardli Block Party, Christie Downs
  • City of Salisbury - ROAR 2025, Salisbury
  • City of Tea Tree Gully – Youth Jam Fest, Modbury
  • Enabled Youth Disability Network – Sprout cooking classes for young people with disability, Hilton
  • Multicultural Youth South Australia - Youth Connect: Celebrating Diversity and Building Community, Thebarton
  • Muslim Community SA - Empowering Youth: Celebrating Culture and Leadership, Allenby Gardens
  • Reclink Australia – Youth Week Surf Event, Moana and Southport Beach
  • The Corner Uniting Church – Chill and Create, Warradale
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