Birrarung Marr's Greenline Project Transformation Commences

The City of Melbourne has officially marked construction at the Birrarung Marr stage of the city-shaping Greenline Project

The $30 million transformation of Birrarung Marr will create 450 metres of new boardwalks, promenades, native habitats and greening along the river's edge between Batman Avenue and the eastern edge of Federation Square.

The Birrarung Marr works are being delivered in partnership with the Australian Government, thanks in part to a $20 million grant funding agreement - made available through the Priority Community Infrastructure Program.

Lord Mayor Sally Capp and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon Catherine King MP celebrated the partnership at a sod-turning ceremony.

The Greenline Project is a transformative vision for the northbank of the Yarra River - Birrarung, creating 4 kilometres of connected promenades, parks, open spaces, cultural activations, vibrant riverfront destinations and environmental renewal between Birrarung Marr and the Bolte Bridge.

The City of Melbourne remains committed to delivering the Greenline project through a $22.5 million investment in the 2024-25 draft Budget. Council will also dedicate more than $30 million across the next four years to the project and continue to seek new partnerships and funding opportunities to complete the project.

The project spans across five inter-connected precincts - Birrarung Marr, The Falls, River Park, Maritime and Saltwater Wharf, which each precinct highlighting its unique character and rich indigenous history.

A new Greenline Project Hub will open in the coming months next to Federation Square - becoming a space for key community engagement activities and the new home for the project team.

The Greenline Project's business case, prepared by Ernst & Young, estimates the project will deliver a benefit to cost ratio of $3.29 for every dollar spent - and attract an additional $1.9 billion of private sector investment.

The Greenline Project is also expected to create over 3,400 jobs during construction, more than 6,400 ongoing jobs by 2042, and attract over 1.1 million more visitors to the city annually.

This stage of the Birrarung Marr precinct transformation is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Quotes attributable to Lord Mayor Sally Capp

"The Greenline Project will transform the underutilised north bank of the Yarra River to enhance Melbourne's world-renowned liveability, and will ensure Melbourne remains a beacon for global visitors and investment."

"We're delighted to partner with the Australian Government to get this exciting stage done - another significant vote of confidence in the Greenline Project."

"The Greenline Project has been backed by seven unanimous Council decisions and is reinforced by a business case that unequivocally shows the project stacks up, delivering $1.2 billion worth of economic and community benefits for Melbourne and Victoria."

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

"We are getting on with the job of delivering on our election commitment to support the Greenline Project, which is a much-needed project for Melbourne."

"The Australian Government's investment will build economic opportunity, while supporting people to enjoy the spaces and places they live in."

"This project is a demonstration of our Government's ongoing commitment to providing new and improved infrastructure that bolsters social inclusion and encourages communities to thrive, both economically and socially."

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