Major upgrades are keeping drivers and cyclists safer on a section of Black Forest Drive between Woodend and Macedon thanks to the Allan Labor Government.
Works are now complete on a series of safety improvements along the busy route, with new continuous bike lanes from Macedon to Woodend and intersection upgrades at key locations.
Safety improvements include changing the lane configuration to one lane in each direction, installing dedicated cycling lanes in each direction, installing a painted centre median for vehicle turning lanes and pedestrian refuges, resealing the road surface and new linemarking.
Other upgrades include the installation of audio-tactile linemarking on the centre and edge line marking, sealing the entrances to higher-risk side roads and installing new street lighting to the Calder Freeway overpass section where there is no room for the dedicated cycling lanes.
These changes will ensure everyone can move around safely, including cyclists and pedestrians sharing the road with cars, vans, motorcycles, trucks and buses.
To complement safety improvement works on Black Forest Drive, several speed zone changes have been implemented, including extending the 60km/h zone at South Road by approximately 160 metres.
This enhances safety by slowing vehicles on approach to the new pedestrian crossing and bus stops near the South Road intersection.
The speed from Willeys Road to south of Nursery Road has also been reduced from 80km/h to 60km/h. This improves safety as vehicles cross bicycle lanes to enter and exit the Calder Freeway.
The speed on the exit ramps from the Calder Freeway has been reduced from 80km/h to 60km/h, improving safety as vehicles enter Black Forest Drive.
It is estimated the speed changes will add less than a minute to journey times between Woodend and Macedon on Black Forest Drive
Crews will return briefly in late January to complete some minor works including the remaining sections of green surface marking and the addition of audio tactile edge marking between New Gisborne and Woodend.
As stated by Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne
"We know that Black Forest Drive caters to a wide range of different road users and these changes mean that all road users can now share the road more safely."
As stated by Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas
"We want to thank the community for their input on these upgrades and for the patience shown while our crews delivered this important work to make this section of road safer."