Blacktown City lights up for Diwali

Diwali Lights 2020 winner.jpg

Residents in Blacktown City are being encouraged to light up their homes for Blacktown City Council's annual Diwali Lights Competition.

The popular competition will return this October and November in celebration of the ancient Hindu festival of Diwali.

Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM said Diwali was a significant event on the City's cultural calendar.

"I'm encouraging residents of all cultural backgrounds to get involved in this spectacular event by decorating their homes with lights," Mayor Bleasdale said.

"$2500 in cash prizes will be on offer for the best-decorated properties across Blacktown City's five wards.

"There is also a prize for the Best Street - so get together with at least two neighbouring households and get into the spirit of Diwali.

"I look forward to seeing this year's wonderful entries."

A cash prize will also be on offer for Best Rangoli for contestants that advance to the final round of judging.

Mayor Bleasdale said Blacktown City Council was proud of its large Hindu population, with close to 30,000 adherents.

Blacktown City is one of few council areas that celebrates the festival on a grand scale.

Entries close at 5pm on 26 October, 2021, with judging to commence at the end of the month.

To enter, visit:

Picture: Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM and Mayoress Nina Bleasdale, with the winners of the 2020 Blacktown City Diwali Lights Competition in Bungarribee.

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