Board Chair Lambrecht Speaks on International Women's Day

Forschungszentrum Juelich

8 March 2025

How does the human brain age and how does ageing affect mental abilities? How can we diagnose neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's at an early stage? Which materials are relevant for the energy transition and how can they be optimized? How will rising temperatures affect air quality? How can supercomputers be used to develop open-source language models or make long-term climate predictions? These and many other important questions are addressed by female scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich every day:

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On International Women's Day, I would like to thank all the women at Forschungszentrum Jülich, as well as those in the broader scientific community, for their dedication, expertise, and innovative spirit. Their contributions are vital to scientific advancement and benefit society as a whole. Diversity and equal opportunities are crucial for achieving excellence in research. Yet, women remain underrepresented in science and encounter particular challenges. It is our collective responsibility to foster a work environment that ensures equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender, origin, or background. Let us work together to create a scientific landscape where women can fully realize their potential. I am proud to work alongside so many talented and devoted women and look forward to a future where even more women pursue scientific careers and actively shape science.

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