Shoalhaven City Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on the concept design of The Bob Proudfoot Pavilion. The design is currently on public exhibition and will be available for feedback until Friday 8 September 2021.
The proposed Bob Proudfoot Pavilion is planned to be built at Francis Ryan Reserve, Sanctuary Point, providing the community with modern facilities.
Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley stated that the new Pavilion further demonstrates Council's commitment to sporting fields within the Shoalhaven.
"The new Bob Proudfoot Pavilion will be a fantastic addition to the Sanctuary Point community." Clr Findley said.
"The Pavilion will include multiple change rooms, a kiosk, storage space for sporting clubs, dedicated referee change rooms, public amenities and a communications box." Clr Findley said.
"This Pavilion will provide the community with state-of-the-art facilities, allowing all sport users to enjoy a safe and modern space when preparing for a match." Clr Findley said.
The designs on exhibition also include elements which will be expanded on at a later stage, including a proposed new sports field layout, and an improvement to carparking and access, which will be completed along with the new Sanctuary Point District Library project.
Submissions on the Concept Design of The Bob Proudfoot Pavilion can be lodged in writing during the public exhibition period online on Council's Get Involved page:
Submissions can also be submitted by post; The Chief Executive Officer, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra NSW 2541 or in person.
All submissions must be received in writing by 5pm Friday 8 September 2021.