Body Located After House Fire - Coffs/Clarence

The body of a man has been located following a house fire at Ramornie, about 25km west of Grafton.

About 9.30am yesterday (Monday 24 March 2025), emergency services were called to a property on Ramornie Station Road following reports of a fire.

At the scene, officers attached to Coffs/Clarence Police District found a home had earlier been destroyed by fire.

While most of the fire appeared to have been extinguished by recent rain, NSW RFS firefighters attended to extinguish areas still smouldering.

Following a search, a body was located in the home. While yet to be formally identified, the body is believed to be that of the 63-year-old male occupant.

A crime scene was established and an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the fire is underway.

A report will be prepared for the Coroner.

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