Boeing [NYSE: BA] is deepening support of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and its efforts to promote aerospace safety, security and sustainability. The company today named its first liaison to the United Nations agency, which is based in Montreal.
Boeing executive liaison Mildred Troegeler will work closely with ICAO and the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations (ICCAIA) on global and regional initiatives for a safer and more sustainable aerospace ecosystem.
A lawyer by training, Troegeler served as Global Airspace Integration director for Boeing's Advanced Air Mobility division and led Technical & Regulatory Affairs for Europe. Before joining Boeing, she was technical and operations general manager at the European Airline Association and a legal advisor on United Nations space matters.
"For nearly 80 years, ICAO has played a key role in coordinating the development and implementation of global standards for safe and efficient air travel," said Tom Galantowicz, Boeing vice president of Product and Services Safety. "As commercial aviation grows and adopts new technology, it is more important than ever that we do this work with global cooperation."
Boeing participates in ICAO working groups and panels, sharing technical expertise on topics including safety, sustainability and innovation. The company also collaborates through membership in ICCAIA and other industry associations.
"Decarbonizing aerospace is both the challenge and opportunity of our lifetime, and it takes everyone working together," said Chris Raymond, Boeing chief sustainability officer and member of its Executive Council. "We are excited to establish this important link between Montreal/ICAO and Boeing. We look forward to supporting ICAO's efforts to set environmental standards for aviation and informing global policies on innovation, sustainable aviation fuels and other key global initiatives."