Bold Action Needed to Boost Living Standards

ACOSS is calling on all political parties and candidates to commit to a bold, people-centred policy agenda ahead of the upcoming federal budget, with urgent investment in social security, housing, employment, climate action and disaster resilience.

With an election on the horizon, the next government must use all the tools at its disposal to deliver meaningful reforms following years of declining living standards and rising inequality.

"Australia prides itself on being the nation of the 'fair go', but this ideal is slipping further from reality for many people," ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie AO said.

"People are experiencing historic falls in living standards and growing inequality, with too many struggling to pay bills and facing unprecedented anxiety about their future. We are at a critical juncture. The cost-of-living crisis, inadequate social security system, housing unaffordability and the growing impacts of climate change are pushing millions of people to the brink.

"This budget and the upcoming election must be about lifting people out of poverty, ensuring secure housing, and making our communities more resilient to economic and environmental shocks."

ACOSS's 2025 Federal Election policy platform outlines critical reforms needed across seven key areas to ensure no one is left behind.

Key priorities:

  • First Nations justice and self-determination: Deliver funding and resourcing needed to implement reform priorities under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, including through shared decision-making models
  • A social security system that meets need: Increase all income support payments to at least the pension rate of $82 a day to ensure everyone can afford basics like housing, food, and medicine
  • Make housing affordable for people with low incomes: Substantially invest in social housing with a clear pathway toward social housing comprising 10% of all housing stock, while implementing reforms to halve the Capital Gains Tax
  • Employment opportunities: Invest $1 billion annually in labor market programs that make a real difference for people experiencing long-term unemployment, and an immediate end to the Targeted Compliance Framework and automated payment suspensions
  • Investing in quality community services: End chronic underfunding of community service organisations by developing better funding models to ensure long-term viability and ability to meet growing community needs
  • Action on climate change: Provide substantial funding to accelerate home energy upgrades for all low-income and First Nations housing to reduce energy poverty and improve resilience
  • A fairer tax system: Implement measures to ensure everyone pays their fair share, including broadening the Medicare Levy income definition to prevent avoidance by high-income earners, and the adoption of tax reforms to raise public revenue

ACOSS is urging all parties to show leadership and commit to policies that prioritise fairness, security and resilience.

"The choices made by the next government will determine whether Australia becomes a more equal society where everyone can live with dignity, or whether we continue down a path of growing inequality," Dr Goldie said.

"We cannot allow inequality to deepen any further. This election is a moment to choose a fairer, more inclusive future where no one is left behind. We are calling on all political parties to step up and take action."

View the full budget priorities statement here.

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