Maria Luisa Ramos Urzagaste, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bolivia in Russia, visited Tomsk State University for the first time. The Ambassador visited Agrobiotech and the Faculty of Chemistry and learnt about the scientific achievements of the university. Both sides agreed to continue a dialogue on potential collaboration between the two countries.
The working day of the Ambassador started with a visit to TSU Advanced Engineering School Agrobiotech. Ekaterina Boiko, the Director of the Agrobiotech Learning Center, told Maria Luisa Ramos Urzagaste about the possibilities of its laboratories and the practical training of students. The tour ended with a meeting with the university leaders and scientists.
Artyom Rykun, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, told the Ambassador about the history of the university, study programs and the most interesting areas of research for Bolivia. Victor Solonenko, the Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Gas Dynamics and Combustion of the Faculty of Physics and Engineering told about the experience of TSU in mathematical modeling for the nuclear industry. Andrei Babenko, the Head of the Department of Agricultural Biology of the Biological Institute presented TSU achievements in the field of resource-saving agriculture. Andrey Trifonov, an engineer of the Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology of the Biological Institute, told about Aeroschup (TSU-designed water treatment facility). Irina Kuskova, Director of Agrobiotech shared the experience of the school in the field of food safety and functional nutrition.

According to the Ambassador, TSU has extensive experience in mining, chemical industry and agriculture. She believes these areas are critically important for Bolivia. Besides, the Ambassador was particularly interested in the TSU's cases on food security.
- We consider food security as a key factor in the sovereignty and well-being of any country. That is why it is important to develop this industry. Today, due to the Russia's strategic decision on food security, Tomsk State University demonstrates a vast experience in this field, and we are quite optimistic about the future cooperation with TSU. I think that in the near future we will start discussing joint projects - research, study programs, as well as exchange of students and teaching staff, - said Maria Luisa Ramos Urzagaste.
During her visit to TSU, the Ambassador also had a brief tour to the Faculty of Chemistry. She visited the Laboratory of Physicochemical Methods of Analysis. Vladimir Sidelnikov, the Head of the Laboratory and Irina Kurzina, the Head of the Department of Natural Compounds, Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry, presented the major research results and areas of the laboratories.
Maria Luisa Ramos Urzagaste at the TSU Faculty of Chemistry
At the end of the visit the parties agreed to continue the dialog on scientific and educational cooperation.
- Tomsk State University puts high value on cooperation with the countries of South America, including Bolivia, with its unique natural potential. This region offers a lot of opportunities for advanced research in various fields - from medical industry to mining and chemistry. I am certain that we will find common ground and opportunities for further cooperation. We will definitely continue a fruitful dialogue with our Bolivian colleagues, - emphasized Artyom Rykun, TSU Vice-Rector for International Affairs.
Maria Luisa Ramos Urzagaste at Agrobiotech laboratories