Bondi Junction Tragedy: NSW Marks First Anniversary


The NSW Government, Waverley Council, Scentre Group (owner of Westfield in Australia and New Zealand) and the community will together observe one year since the Bondi Junction tragedy.

On Saturday 13 April 2024, the Bondi community was shattered by an unfathomable act of violence at Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre when six innocent people's lives were taken in terrible circumstances.

As we reflect one year on, two commemorative display boards, recognising the community's response in the days following the attack, will be installed in Oxford Street Mall, Bondi Junction for one week from 10-16 April.

The displays include a series of photographs, images and messages collected from the floral tribute sites located at Bondi Junction's Oxford Street Mall and Westfield Bondi Junction, as well as images from the candlelight vigil held at Bondi Beach on Sunday 21 April.

The community is invited to visit throughout this period to reflect in their own time.

Welfare support officers will be on hand in Oxford Street Mall on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 April. NSW Health provides services that members of public can reach out to for assistance at any time, with contact information available here:

Information about the Oxford Street Mall display boards can be found here.

Premier of New South Wales Chris Minns said:

"One year on, we pause and reflect on the tragic events of 13 April 2024 and remember the strength of the community in the days following.

"Our thoughts are with the victims' families, those injured, first responders, members of public who carry the memory and the burden of that terrible day and whose lives were changed forever."

Mayor of Waverley Council William Nemesh said:

"Our community has shown great strength and resilience over the past year since the horrific attack. This tragic event will not define our community and we will never forget the victims and will always honour their memory.

"We will continue to support those affected and thank the brave first responders."

Scentre Group CEO, Elliott Rusanow said:

"This is a very difficult time for our community.

"We extend our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims and all those impacted by the devastating attack on 13 April 2024. It is impossible to fathom their loss.

"Many people were impacted and are continuing to heal and recover.

"We are grateful for the continued support the community has shown to each other and to our team and business partners."

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