Boost for Flood-Affected SE Queensland Residents

Minister for Families, Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Child Safety and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence The Honourable Amanda Camm

More support available for flood-affected South East Queensland residents

  • Eight Community Recovery Hubs open on the Gold Coast, Redlands, Moreton and Logan.
  • Hubs provide face-to-face information and recovery support to residents affected by Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
  • Personal hardship grants are now available for those most impacted.

The Crisafulli Government is delivering face-to-face support for residents affected by Tropical Cyclone Alfred, with eight Community Recovery Hubs open and ready to help across the region.

The six major Community Recovery Hubs have been established at:

  • Nerang Bicentennial Community Centre, 833 Southport Nerang Road, Nerang
  • Upper Coomera Community Centre, 90 Reserve Rd, Upper Coomera
  • Thornlands Dance Palais Hall, Corner Cleveland Redland Bay Road & Island Outlook Avenue, Thornlands
  • Beenleigh Event Centre, Kent St, Beenleigh
  • Webb Hall, Redcliffe Showgrounds, Scarborough Street, Redcliffe
  • Albany Creek Community Centre, 15 Ernie Street, Albany Creek

Pop-up sites are also currently open at:

  • Burleigh Waters Community Centre, 111 Christine Avenue, Burleigh Waters
  • Russell Island Recreation Hall, 1 Alison Cres, Russell Island

A Community Recovery Hub will also open in Hervey Bay from tomorrow, with planning for additional sites across South East Queensland also underway.

The hubs provide a one-stop shop for people who need it, with access to grants and support from a range of Government agencies, as well as practical and emotional assistance.

Hub staff can also facilitate access to emergency grants for eligible Queenslanders.

Minister for Families, Seniors and Disability Services Amanda Camm said the Crisafulli Government was working hard to ensure there was no daylight between response and recovery.

"The Crisafulli Government is committed to supporting Queenslanders as they clean up and recover from ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred," Minister Camm said.

"We know this is an incredibly challenging and distressing time for many, and that's why we have quickly mobilised the recovery hubs to provide face-to-face support."

"This includes access to Emergency Hardship Assistance grants for eligible Queenslanders, of $180 per person and up to $900 for a family of five or more, to help cover the costs of food, medication, clothing and other essential items."

A range of other personal hardship assistance grants are also available.

Minister for Disaster Recovery Ann Leahy said the Crisafulli Government was committed to supporting impacted communities through a range of disaster and community recovery funding and initiatives.

"We will continue to be as responsive as possible to the needs of communities impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred," Minister Leahy said.

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