Boost to confidence desperately needed in Victoria

"With new infections in Victoria falling convincingly, we now need to boost consumer and business confidence by rapidly reopening the State," Tim Piper, Victorian Head of the employer association Ai Group said today.

"Of course, as the Victorian Premier points out, no one wants to shut down again once we begin to reopen. More than that, no one wants to continue with the existing policy of keeping the place shut down.

"Ai Group has repeatedly said that businesses cannot switch on and off. We need a plan for a rapid and safe resumption of activity and a strategy to ensure there are no further lockdowns. This plan should not be held back by impossible-to-meet targets.

"The financial support provided by the State and Federal Governments has been most welcome. Funds are being provided to businesses that currently won't open on October 26. It would be better to get them all open.

"Ai Group calls on the Victorian Government to deliver a statement that it will not lock down the whole of Melbourne again. That instead it will adopt best-practice quarantine and test-and-trace arrangements that mean it can deal effectively with any outbreaks on a localised basis.

"We have not yet seen the dire near-term future for many businesses. They need reassurance, hope and confidence that they have viable businesses," Mr Piper said

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