In response to a request from the Government of Brunei Darussalam, in particular, the Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA), an IAEA legislative assistance mission was conducted to Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, 22-24 January 2024.
Implemented by experts from the Office of Legal Affairs and the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, the mission included a national workshop on nuclear law, a bilateral legislative drafting meeting and a series of bilateral meetings with decision-makers, policy-makers and senior officials. The scope of the mission covered international and national nuclear law, more specifically the importance and benefits for Brunei Darussalam of joining and committing to the relevant international legal instruments adopted by and under the Agency's auspices in the areas of nuclear and radiation safety and nuclear security and strengthening the current legal framework, in particular, the 2021 Radiation Protection Act (Chapter 228).
The national workshop was attended by over 40 participants from thirteen government agencies and national stakeholders, including, SHENA, the Prime Minister's Office, the Attorney-General's Chambers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health. In his opening remarks, Mr Anthony Wetherall, Head, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, Office of Legal Affairs said "This legislative assistance mission provides a good opportunity to engage with multiple officials and at different levels on the subject of nuclear law with an aim of supporting Brunei Darussalam's consideration of joining the instruments it has not yet adhered to such as the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency and the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its Amendment."
The IAEA had provided initial observations on the 2021 Radiation Protection Act, prior to prior to the bilateral legislative drafting meeting. These activities were implemented under the IAEA Legislative Assistance Programme within the framework of the IAEA technical cooperation programme and the regional project.
Member States that are also interested in the IAEA legislative assistance can request it regardless of the extent of their nuclear activities, particularly those States that are in the process of establishing new national nuclear legislation, updating existing legislation or otherwise consolidating their national nuclear legal framework. The programme creates awareness among Member States of the international instruments in the nuclear field and assists them in complying with their international obligations and commitments, as well as with the drafting of corresponding national nuclear legislation.

The mission included a national workshop on nuclear law, a bilateral legislative drafting meeting, and multiple meetings with decision-makers, policy-makers, and senior officials. (Photo: SHENA)