Boots On Ground For Clean-up

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Gold Coasters will start to see boots on the ground as City crews work with State and Federal agencies to begin the clean-up.

Residents and visitors are urged to ensure they are staying up to date with the latest, as the Gold Coast is expecting strong winds with significant gusts and possible heavy rain today.

For everyone's safety keep an eye out for hazards, drive to conditions and stay alert to current warnings.

Gold Coasters and visitors will start to see more crews on the ground today with City crews working with members of State and Federal agencies on the clean-up.

The City will assess damage to trees and infrastructure and crews are continuing to respond to priority incidents when safe to do so.

Since Wednesday at 3pm there have been more than 450 incidents reported to the City.

Nearly 1700 request for assistance have been made to SES with 621 resolved since the start of the event.

There is the potential for more flooding as localised rainfall continues across the Gold Coast.

Remember – stay out of flood water. If if's flooded, forget it.

There are widespread power outages across the Gold Coast with more than 112,000 households impacted currently. Be prepared for prolonged power outages.

If you see a fallen powerline, report it immediately by calling Energex. Do not touch a fallen powerline directly or with another object.

The City has transitioned its Evacuation Centres to Relief Centres from 8am today (Sunday 9 March). They will be open until 5pm. Relief Centres can be used for charging of medical equipment and essential communications:

Queensland Health has advised that if power loss results in a medical emergency, go to a nearby hospital immediately to receive care.

If it is not a medical emergency, and you just need power to charge your medical device, use all other options first. The hospital should be the last option for this circumstance.

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