Boy Charged After Avalon Firearms Incident

Detectives from Victoria Police Crime Command have charged a boy following an incident in Avalon yesterday afternoon.

Officers were called to the airport after a male had allegedly entered a commercial flight armed with a firearm on Thursday, 6 March about 2.20pm.

A 17-year-old boy was detained by crew and passengers on the flight.

Police allegedly located two bags and a vehicle belonging to the boy.

The Bomb Response Unit were called to assist with the bags as a safety precaution.

Fortunately no one was physically injured during the incident.

The 17-year-old from the Ballarat region has since been interviewed by detectives and was charged with:

• Unlawfully taking control of an aircraft

• Endangering safe operation of an aircraft

• Endangering safety of aircraft

• Dangerous goods on an aircraft

• Threat to the safety of an aircraft

• Bomb hoax

• Possess firearm

• Traffic-related offences

He was remanded in custody to appear at a children's court at a later date.

Anyone with information about the incident is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit

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