Boyce Backs Emerald Pony Club

Colin Boyce MP

Federal Member for Flynn, Colin Boyce, visited the Emerald Pony Club to announce that an elected LNP Government will deliver $667,100 to the club for major upgrades.

The proposed upgrades include new day yards/stables, the refurbishment of arena and ground surfaces, replacement of water supply lines and fencing, the erection of an undercover area, upgrades to the canteen, the installation of solar panels, improved ablution block, irrigation and an all-abilities access ramp.

"The Emerald Horse and Pony Club offers an inclusive horse-riding experience that covers all ages, all abilities and all equestrian disciplines," Mr Boyce said.

"Throughout the year, the club hosts a variety of event programs. However, the biggest challenge it faces in terms of being able to continue to deliver these events is its aging and outdated infrastructure.

"The present condition of the grounds and amenities, and the potential risk posed to both the horse and rider, restricts the club from hosting more equestrian events.

"Supporting this project contributes to a vibrant equestrian community whilst improving health and safety standards.

"These facilities will create lasting benefits for all involved and reflects the LNP's commitment to community wellbeing."

Emerald Pony Club President, Catherine Kavanagh, strongly welcomed the announcement.

"What this election commitment means to our small club is astronomical," Ms Kavanagh said.

"We have been fighting for so long to have our facilities upgraded. We have felt that they have needed upgrading for a long time, and to hear and see that Colin has come through for us the way that he has, this is every pony club's dream."

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