Boyce Backs South Burnett Projects

Colin Boyce MP

Federal Member for Flynn, Colin Boyce has announced an elected LNP Government will provide funding for Stage 2 of the Wondai Industrial Estate works, a shed for the Hivesville Progress Association and chairs for Mondure Hall in the South Burnett.

Mr Boyce said the funding commitments were determined from consultation with the local council and community groups.

"South Burnett Regional Council's planning and consultation within the Wondai Industrial Estate found that several businesses required oversize vehicle access for B Doubles over 19m long in accordance with the Heavy Vehicle National Regulation," Mr Boyce said.

"The existing infrastructure does not allow for the safe movement of oversize vehicles throughout the estate under two-way operations requiring an increase in the roadway area to help them manoeuvre safely.

"The original estate was built prior to the regular use of vehicles like B Doubles and was not designed to cater to their needs.

"I am pleased to announce that an elected LNP Government will provide $4.5 million to South Burnett Regional Council to deliver Stage 2 of the Wondai Industrial Estate Works.

"This funding will mean the Wondai Industrial Estate will be upgraded to accommodate two-way heavy vehicle access."

Mr Boyce also announced funding for two community organisations in the South Burnett region.

"Hivesville Hall was built in 1924 and was well-loved and supported by the community, but the building has since been condemned and no longer fit for purpose. An elected LNP Government will deliver $100,000 to the Hivesville Progress Association for the construction of a new shed for the community to utilise," Mr Boyce said.

"The Mondure Hall has been operating since 1928 and is utilised for various community events and forums and is also hired out to local groups.

"The Mondure Hall committee raised with me the need for new chairs to be purchased to accommodate events into the future. Therefore, I am pleased to announce an elected LNP Government will deliver $18,000 to the Mondure Hall committee for new chairs.

"These announcements demonstrate the LNP's commitment to supporting regional communities and delivering tangible improvements where they are needed most."

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