Break-in At Croydon Park Restaurant

Police are investigating a break-in at a Croydon Park restaurant and have released CCTV of the suspects.

About 3am on Tuesday 14 May, two people entered the Days Road, Croydon Park restaurant and stole an Uber Eats iPad, a laptop and an iPhone XR.

The first suspect is a man of Caucasian appearance, about 175cm tall, bald, with a goatee, wearing a black leather hoodie jacket with white stripes on the arm, blue undershirt, salmon trousers, blue socks and black and white Adidas sneakers. He also wore a black net partially covering his face.

The second suspect is a woman of Caucasian appearance, about 167cm tall, with long ginger hair, wearing a black jumper, black trousers with 'Adidas' in red lettering on the left side and black and red sneakers.

Anyone who recognises either of the suspects captured on CCTV is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at

Please quote reference 24-70M

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