Bright future for Fiji students as Lekutu Secondary School re-opened

Department of Defence

The Fijian Government officially opened the newly re-constructed Lekutu Secondary School today, two years after it was destroyed by tropical cyclones Yasa and Ana.

At the request of the Fijian Government, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) deployed specialist personnel to support the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), along with the New Zealand Defence Force and French Armed Forces in New Caledonia, to rebuild classrooms and other education infrastructure.

Commander of ADF operations in the South West Pacific, Major General Scott Winter, AM said supporting essential infrastructure projects enabled Fijian students to have access to education.

"The project commenced as a result of the devastation from cyclones Yasa and Ana in 2020 and involved working side-by-side with our Pacific family partners to rebuild two school buildings, each with three classrooms able to withstand future cyclones and severe weather events," MAJGEN Winter said.

"We are not just building infrastructure, we are building a brighter future for Fijian students. Educational infrastructure is a key priority as it enables Fijian students to access education and better prepares them for the future.

"I am looking forward to seeing the staff and students return to school in this safe and engaging space."

The reconstruction of education infrastructure is part of the ADF's enduring commitment to Fiji and helps build on the longstanding history of cooperation and friendship between our two countries.

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