Kempsey Shire Council has released draft designs for the Crescent Head foreshore and village centre, delivering on key aspects of the Area Master Plan.
Aligning with the regional and local plans, the draft designs prepared for the Crescent Head foreshore and village establish a benchmark for urban landscape design in popular and sensitive coastal locations.
The key strategy for Crescent Head's foreshore areas is to increase public open space and improve connections between spaces.
The focus for the village centre designs is slowing traffic speeds and establishing a village centre that prioritises pedestrians and cyclists, while communicating the value of natural beauty as soon as visitors enter the village.
Key features of the design include:
- a defined pedestrian zone on Little Nobby
- changes to the foreshore car park arrangements with three proposed options
- a continuous, separated pathway along the foreshore
- safer pathways in the village centre
- reorienting the War Memorial Monument to face into Lloyd Park
Kempsey Shire Council Director Operations & Planning Robert Fish described the draft designs as a much needed holistic area plan and a triumph of community cooperation.
"Crescent Head residents are rightly proud of their village atmosphere and the peaceful beauty of the area, yet it is also one of Australia's favourite holiday destinations, a combination that presents challenges for planners," he said.
"The existing village centre faces a number of challenges, from limited footpaths, to aged facilities. The foreshore has evolved over decades and there are numerous examples of the overlap of nature, residents and holiday makers - from erosion on Little Nobby to confused public path boundaries"
"These plans prioritise improved access and ensuring the best spots are useable for the community."
The drafts are a result of a partnership approach to planning undertaken between the local community and Council, with the identified objective of delivering the best long-term design outcome for Crescent Head's foreshore and village spaces.
Between August and October 2019 Council undertook a series of engagement activities with the residents of Crescent Head to inform a reimagining of the foreshore and the village centre.
This included a community information stall at Crescent Head Surf Club, a workshop with 45 Year 5 and 6 students at Crescent Head Primary School, a Council community catch-up with around 60 residents, and a full day co-design workshop with 30 residents.
"These plans are the result of a new process of engagement undertaken by Council," said Coordinator Strategic and Environmental Planning Steve Schwartz.
"From the Master Plan process through to grabbing pens and gathering around huge sheets of paper, this is the very definition of a shared vision. We can't wait to see the ideas and feedback that come back in response."
The plans originated with the Crescent Head Area Master Plan's identified priorities of foreshore recreation, village centre beautification and traffic flow.
The draft plans presented to Council's May meeting are now on public exhibition. Comment from the community and other stakeholders on the draft plan is sought and welcomed.
There has been an immediate interest in the plans with nearly 1000 views of the plans online since the site went live last week.
Anyone seeking to view the plans or comment should head to