Bringing Bullawa Creek To Gunnedah's Gallery Walls

Gunnedah Shire Council

The State Conservation Area of Bullawa Creek, between Mt Kaputar National Park and the Pilliga Forest, has inspired artworks that will bring the bush into the Gunnedah Bicentennial Creative Arts Gallery from Friday, April 11.

Mixed media artist Lisa Marple has used her time spent at Bullawa Creek to create an exhibition called #Bullawa Creek Love supported by Arts North West.

Marple, whose art often incorporates pieces from the landscape, including feathers, presents her unique perspective in this wonderfully different exhibition.

Marple's ethereal work stems from her childhood fascination with using materials from the world around her to create something new.

#Bullawa Creek Love will open at Gunnedah Bicentennial Creative Arts Gallery at 6pm on Friday, April 11 and will continue at the gallery until Friday, May 16.

Art lovers are invited to wear feathers to the opening in keeping with the theme of Marple's work.

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