Bringing communities together with lights and sparkle

Murray River Council

Murray River Council is looking to add a little sparkle to local communities, as it once again launches its Christmas-themed outdoor lighting experience.

Lighting features will be temporarily installed in a number of local parks and spaces to brighten up towns and bring communities together across the council area.

The lights experience is free to visit every night from 7pm to 11pm between December 2 and January 4.

This year residents will see a return of lighting projections that will illuminate local parks and spaces with bursts of bright colours.

Some even complimented with Christmas-themed decorations too.

Murray River Council mayor, Chris Bilkey said council hopes residents can make it down to their local park or reserve to enjoy the bursts of colour.

"The community loved our first year of installations which saw illuminated red gums and bright park spaces, so we're pleased to be able to return to this format and light up our local towns."

"Whilst there is certainly a lot of pressure in our communities at the moment due to the flood event, Christmas is still on its way; so we hope our lighting experience can help brighten up the Christmas season in some small way."

Residents can check-out the pop-up lighting experience at the following locations throughout December:

Barham, Riverside Park

Koraleigh, General Store

Mathoura, Soldiers Memorial Park

Moama, Cobb Highway and Meninya Street

Murray Downs, RFS Shed

Tooleybuc, Mensforth Park

Wakool, Playground Park

Due to the current flood evacuation order, the lights display will not be installed in Moulamein.

"Unfortunately the contractors can't get there to install the lights, but the council team is already planning some festivities for Moulamein in the New Year so that the community can be celebrated," Cr Bilkey said.

More details will be available when confirmed.

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