Bringing Extraordinary Portraits To Life

Two talented students from the University of Leeds have developed an interactive experience for visitors to an art exhibition based on the hit BBC TV series Extraordinary Portraits with Bill Bailey.

Antara Malhotra and Yun Ci Liu – known as Poe – have, through the University's partnership with Bradford 2025, created an activity that invites visitors to engage with the exhibition.

Participants can draw portraits of themselves, family members and friends as part of a display showcasing powerful and emotive portraits created by well-known artists depicting people with incredible personal stories.

These works will be layered with portraits from previous visitors, creating a vibrant and ever-evolving display.

Developed in partnership with the BBC and Chatterbox Media, the exhibition is at Loading Bay, Bradford 2025's new pop-up arts venue, until 6 April.

Our partnership with Bradford 2025 underscores our desire for research and education at the University of Leeds to have a regional impact and our plans to strengthen our relationships with civic partners.

Antara and Poe, Masters students from the School of Fine Art, History of Art, and Cultural Studies, worked closely with Nicola Murray, Creative Director of Kynd, and the Bradford 2025 producing team at Loading Bay to create the hands-on art activity for visitors.

Professor Shearer West, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Leeds, said: "We are delighted that our students are collaborating on the excellent Bradford 2025 cultural programme.

"Our partnership with Bradford 2025 underscores our desire for research and education at the University of Leeds to have a regional impact and our plans to strengthen our relationships with our civic partners."

Antara said: "This project has been an incredible opportunity for us to contribute to a groundbreaking exhibition while learning from professionals in the field.

"The hands-on, collaborative nature of this activity not only strengthens visitors' interaction with the art on display, but also encourages them to interpret their stories in imaginative ways while looking at their reflections in mirrors.

"It is a powerful exploration of identity and shared experiences."

Antara looks at herself in the mirror on which she has drawn a self portrait.

Poe added: "We've really enjoyed the creative process, and it's been great to work alongside Nicola and the fabrication team to bring this interactive element to life. The exhibition reflects the diversity of modern Britain, and we are proud to be a part of this initiative that brings people together through art." 

Abby Dix-Mason, University of Leeds Partnership Development Manager, said: "Being part of the BBC's Extraordinary Portraits with Bill Bailey exhibition gives our students the chance to engage with a nationally significant project. The hands-on experience has allowed Antara and Poe to realise their creative designs and see how the activities have influenced visitors' interactions with the exhibition.

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