Brisbane Opposes Stadium Plan at Victoria Park

Australian Greens

Media leaks today reveal that the Queensland LNP Government has ignored many of the recommendations of their supposedly independent venues review while still proceeding with the destructive and wasteful Victoria Park Barrambin stadium precinct.

As stated by Stephen Bates, federal Greens MP for Brisbane

According to media reports, Premier Crisafulli will commit billions to bulldoze our city's heritage, parkland and culturally important First Nations sites. Is this the Games Legacy Brisbane really wants?

The LNP are betraying Brisbane by breaking a key election promise to not build a new stadium - and they're breaching the Games host contract to do it. It's just monumentally stupid.

The stadium's $3.4 billion price tag makes it one of the most expensive stadiums in the world - and who knows what the final cost will really be once someone bothers to do an actual feasibility assessment.

The Federal Government should not commit a cent to a stadium in Victoria Park. If the LNP wants this to happen, they can pay for it themselves.

The IOC's "New Norm" will be well and truly dead if this stadium goes ahead.

Victoria Park Barrambin is not a blank canvas just waiting to be bulldozed into stadiums.

These are the lungs of Brisbane City that Council has spent years and millions of dollars turning into the inner city's first new park in over twenty years.

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