Brown Scientist Chosen for NASAs Role in ESAs Hera Mission

By Gabriel Sender

Ingrid Daubar will be among the scientists to explore planetary defense and near-Earth asteroid science as part of the mission, scheduled to launch in October 2024.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] - Brown University planetary scientist Ingrid Daubar is among 12 scientists NASA has selected to join the European Space Agency's Hera mission, which will study the binary asteroid system Didymos, including the moonlet Dimorphos.

Daubar, an associate professor (research) of Earth, environmental and planetary sciences, is no stranger to space missions, having worked at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for nine years in addition to her work at Brown. A specialist in impact cratering and impact-seismic studies on extraterrestrial bodies, Daubar was honored to be selected for the five-year appointment to the Hera Participating Scientist Program and is eager to bring her expertise to the Hera mission.

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