Council will shortly begin upgrading the existing stormwater infrastructure at the Byron Resource Recovery Centre (BRRC) in preparation for future weather events and to further future proof the facility.
Danielle Hanigan, Manager Resource Recovery at Byron Shire Council, said that the project will initially involve upgrading the drains and swales on the northern and western sections of the site.
"People coming to use the Byron Resource Recovery Centre should expect some minor delays over the next few months, while we complete the upgrade works. The facility will remain open and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause," she said.
"The stormwater upgrade is part of a larger multi-year upgrade program and is good news for the site as well as the environment. Once upgraded this will minimise stormwater runoff on site," she said.
Works program – how will it affect me?
- Work is expected to commence in early July. Construction works are estimated to take 10 weeks to complete, weather permitting.
- There will be additional construction crew and machinery on-site during construction works.
- There may be some change to normal traffic flow and site road conditions during these works.
- There may be some short-term impacts to site access and some short delays should be expected but impacts to normal operations and site access during this time will be kept to a minimum.
- Please follow on-site information, including construction work area signage, traffic management, and instruction from staff at all times.
- Work hours will be 8am to 4pm weekdays and 8.30am to 11.30am on Saturdays.
For more information about the project please visit Council's website.