The City of Mount Gambier 2021/2022 Annual Business Plan and Budget (ABP&B) and Waste Service Charge (WSC) was adopted at a Special Council Meeting held on Tuesday 29 June 2021.
The budget outlines a total spend of $34.5 million in operating expenditure, including depreciation of $7.7 million, and total capital expenditure of $55.8 million for the delivery of services, programs and asset management, including $45.2 million towards the development of the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre.
"Council is pleased to have finalised the 2021/2022 Annual Business Plan and budget which includes a capital works program valued at more than $10.6 million," City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin said.
Funds will be spent on community infrastructure such as the Railway Lands play space and on the extension of the shared walking/cycling path from Wandilo Road to Wireless Road which will be inclusive of solar lighting.
The delivery of services such as the Library, Mount Gambier Visitor Information Services, The Riddoch Arts & Cultural Centre, parks, gardens, infrastructure and asset maintenance, waste collection and disposal continue to represent significant components of Council's budget.
Key highlights in the budget include:
- Railway Lands play space - $300,000
- Valley lakes toilet refurbishment - $400,000
- Library upgrades - $145,000
- Extension of the shared walking/cycling path from Wandilo Road to Wireless Road and installation of solar lighting (including $800,000 in State Government funding) - $1,100,000
- 12 new footpaths included in the works program - $374,125
- 20 roads included in the road reconstruction program - $2,121,500
- Construction of new waste cell for Caroline Landfill and capping of old cell - $2,009,087
Other key influences on the budget include:
- A focus on economic development including tourism and the development of a strategic plan for the city's tourism assets.
- Continuing investment to promote Mount Gambier as a visitor destination, a regional retail and commercial hub and as a quality destination to host major events and conferences.
- Development of the Mount Gambier Sport, Recreation and Open Space Strategy, informed by community feedback.
In accordance with the Long Term Financial Plan, the 2021/2022 total rate revenue percentage increase is 4.5% including the Waste Service Charge (WSC).
"In 2021/2022 the average residential ratepayer will pay $1,312, which includes the Waste Service Charge (WSC). This is an increase of $65, equating to $1.25 per week," City of Mount Gambier CEO Sarah Philpott said.
"Council's average residential rate is below the South Australian average which was $1,662 for metropolitan areas and $1,471 for rural areas in 2020/2021."
Overall capital value, inclusive of all categories of rateable land (residential, commercial, industry, primary production and vacant land) increased by 4.4% within the city boundaries in 2021/2022. Individual rates payable are dependent on the capital value of a property.
"Following a surge in property sales during the past year, residential capital value on its own has increased by 5.9% in 2021/2022. Your property's valuation will directly impact your rates. If your valuation increases, your rates will generally be higher due to growth," Ms Philpott said.
"Council does not control the growth benefit of rates as this is influenced by property values which are determined by the Valuer General."
Rate revenue will be used by Council to invest in the Strategic Plan 2020 to 2024, continue to deliver services and programs and capital works and maintain assets and infrastructure.
$24million (70%) of Council's operating revenue will come from rates (including general rates, Regional Landscape Levy, Waste Service Charge (WSC), the remaining income comprises $5.6million (17%) from fees and charges and $4.5million (13%) from other sources, including Federal Assistance Grants.
Council will alter the standard rating policy structure for the new financial year to introduce a Waste Service Charge (WSC) to highlight the annual individual ratepayer waste management cost on rate notices.
"The annual individual ratepayer waste component will be separated from the fixed charge as an additional line item - Waste Service Charge - on your rates notice," Ms Philpott said.