- $5.8 million in 2023-24 State Budget for program to support disadvantaged drivers
- Includes $1.5 million contribution from the Road Trauma Trust Account
- Funding will continue support for grant-funded organisations in regional WA
- Total McGowan Government funding commitment to program more than $11 million
The McGowan Government has committed $5.8 million in the 2023-24 State Budget to continue the successful Driving Access and Equity Program, including an additional $1.5 million contribution from Western Australia's Road Trauma Trust Account.
The program targets disadvantaged learner drivers in regional and remote areas of the State and supports them through the entire licensing process so they can obtain their driver's licence and improve their employment opportunities.
The funding will be used to consolidate and extend the driver training and education initiatives currently delivered by 12 community-based organisations in the Kimberley and Pilbara, supported by Driving Access and Equity grants.
The 10 grant projects announced in February this year to support approximately 800 learner drivers in the Gascoyne, Mid-West and Goldfields-Esperance regions will also share in the funding.
Other initiatives to be supported include the roll-out of more driver instructor training courses to improve access to professional instruction for people living in remote and regional locations.
Overall McGowan Government funding for the Driving Access and Equity Program totals more than $11 million and has supported initiatives including multiple grant rounds, driver instructor training and development of learner driver publications.
To date, the program has enabled 150 people in the Kimberley and Pilbara to obtain their driver's licence. Currently, the program supports more than 1,100 program participants in these regions, including 600 participants with learners permits who have received close to 3,000 hours of supervised driving or professional instruction.
For more information on the Driving Access and Equity Program, visit http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/accessequityprogram
As stated by Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:
"The additional funding in the 2023-24 State Budget for the Driving Access and Equity Program recognises the impact this program is having on the lives of many Western Australians in our regions and brings the total State Government investment in this program to more than $11 million.
"We've already seen 150 disadvantaged people get their drivers licence, and this investment will allow the program to continue its great work by creating more safe and employable licensed drivers in regional and remote areas of our State.
"By increasing access for disadvantaged people to a safe vehicle, professional driving instruction and supervision, as well as road rules education, this program is putting people on the path to licensing success and significantly increasing their odds of securing full-time employment."
As stated by Road Safety Minister Paul Papalia:
"The $1.5 million contribution to the Driving Access and Equity Program from the Road Safety Commission's Road Trauma Trust Account, is particularly relevant as almost 40 per cent of fatal and serious crashes happen on WA's regional and remote roads.
"The education and support provided by the program will instil Driving Access and Equity Program participants with the safe attitudes and driving behaviours needed to reduce injuries and save lives on our roads."