Budget Eases Living Costs for Seniors, Dental Excluded

Tonight's Federal Budget will help deliver some crucial cost of living relief for older Australians, including energy relief for all households and a tax cut for around 4.6million people over 50 years, but older Australians will need to see more from our politicians during the upcoming federal election campaign, COTA Australia says.

COTA Australia - the leading advocacy organisation for older people - Chief Executive Officer, Patricia Sparrow, said Federal Budget measures such as a $150 energy subsidy over six months, an average tax cut of approx. $500 for people over 50 paying tax, expanding GP bulk billing to all Australians and giving people cheaper medicines, will provide some practical relief for many older people.

"As a whole, the Federal Budget recognises that Australians, including older Australians, are really feeling the pinch of the cost of living crisis and takes steps to alleviate some of that pressure," Ms Sparrow said.

"There are some crucial measures in this budget that will make a tangible difference to the lives of many older Australians, including the energy subsidy, tax cut for people over 50 and health reforms."

However, Ms Sparrow the Federal Government needs to publicly confirm its intentions on freezing pensioner deeming at 0.25% and 2.25% beyond 30 June 2025.

"Deeming rates are used by government to estimate the amount of income pensioners earn from financial assets and can reduce the pension amount someone receives. Continuing to freeze deeming rates at current levels would go some way to meeting the increased cost of living pressures faced by people on lower and fixed incomes like those on the age pension.

Ms Sparrow said the Federal Government also missed an opportunity to include other key cost of living measures such as a Seniors Dental Benefit Scheme and called on all parties at the upcoming federal election campaign to deliver tangible measures that will help improve the lives of all Australians, including the growing population of older Australians.

"It's disappointing that the Federal Government missed the opportunity to announce a Seniors Dental Benefit Scheme as part of this cost of living budget. It is an open opportunity for all parties to pick up this vital issue during the upcoming election campaign.

"Good oral health is important for people of every age, but for many Australians - including many older Australians - access to the affordable dental support they need is out of reach, even more so at this time when cost of living pressure are stretching financial resources to the max.

"We can't afford to wait any longer for our politicians to realise that this is a health crisis that needs to be urgently addressed this election - not just for older people, but for people of all ages."

Ms Sparrow said older Australians would have also liked to have seen additional measures in this budget such a seniors' default NBN plan, targeted action to address ageism for the benefit of people of all ages, funding for more Support at Home packages to lower waiting times and more done to address housing affordability.

"We're looking forward to politicians from all sides to make announcements during the federal election campaign on practical measures that will help support older people, and in turn people of every generation.

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