Builders Brace for Compliance Campaign Training

Lake Macquarie City Council

Lake Macquarie Compliance Officer Daniel Beck inspects a construction site.jpg

Builders and site managers in Lake Macquarie are invited to attend a free, hands-on Builders Breakfast offering invaluable advice on best practices in erosion and sediment control.

The campaign, which runs annually, sees Council's Environmental Compliance Officers conduct inspections to ensure construction sites meet essential environmental protection standards.

Manager Environmental Regulation and Compliance Derek Poulton said the event, which runs from 7-8:30am Wednesday 26 February, offers essential tips ahead of the March Get the Site Right campaign.

"Poor erosion and sediment management on building sites can have serious effects on the environment, including polluting local waterways and harming wildlife," he said.

"With more inspections on the horizon, Council is keen to partner with the construction industry to help them avoid costly mistakes and contribute to protecting the region's natural beauty."

The session will cover the environmental and community impact of effective erosion and sediment controls, legal responsibilities, Council's expectations for compliance and proven strategies to minimise environmental impact.

Attendees will also gain insight into why regular inspections and maintenance are crucial for long-term success.

The workshop will conclude with aQ&A session, offering a chance for participants to seek advice and share their experiences.

"It's not just about avoiding fines or meeting regulations, it's about doing the right thing for the environment and the community," Mr Poulton said.

"We want this to be a collaborative and supportive event."

The morning includes a complimentary breakfast and is open to site supervisors, project managers and anyone responsible for erosion and sediment control on building sites.

Spaces are limited, so early registration is encouraged.

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