Building Consent Data Calls for Bold Reforms

  • Hon Chris Penk

New annual data has exposed the staggering cost of delays previously hidden in the building consent system, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says.

"I directed Building Consent Authorities to begin providing quarterly data last year to improve transparency, following repeated complaints from tradespeople waiting far longer than the statutory 20 working days for a consent.

"For the first time, we have consistent nationwide data proving statutory timeframes are masking problems. Councils are stopping the clock on applications by requesting additional information, extending processing times beyond the official 20 working day target.

"The complete annual data for 2024 paints a stark picture: two-thirds of applications required a 'Request for Information' (RFI), adding an average of nearly 12 extra days to processing times.

"That's 12 more days of projects stalling. Time is money for our tradies and officials estimate a 12 working day delay because of an RFI could cost around $4,000 per dwelling. Last year, 94,362 applications triggered an RFI.

"Every unnecessary delay affects real people - builders, businesses, and families waiting for their homes to be completed. That's why this Government is pushing ahead with the most significant building consent reforms in a generation."

"In the next few months, we will finalise decisions on major initiatives to speed up the process. These include streamlining inspections, enabling trusted builders to sign-off their own work, restructuring Building Consent Authorities to ensure they are fit for purpose, and adopting a more balanced approach to liability for defective work."

Note to editors:

The Annual Building Consent System Performance Monitoring Data for 2024 can be found on the MBIE Website at the following link:

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