Burnie Airport Set To Soar

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Australian Government is building Australia's future, investing $330,294 to upgrade Burnie Airport.

Airports are vital for regional communities, providing critical access to emergency healthcare, as well as commerce, industry, tourism and education.

Funded under Round 4 of the Regional Airports Program, this essential upgrade will involve the application of Surface Enrichment Spray Treatment to the entire length of the main runway in order to provide a safe operational condition for aircraft. The treatment will improve the runway's surface condition, provide waterproofing and lengthen the life of the surface.

The works will support airport users including passenger services, the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Tasmanian Ambulance Service and search and rescue aircraft.

Today's announcement builds on the nearly $100 million that has already been delivered to support 194 projects under the first three rounds of the program.

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