Burnside, Caroline Springs Get Funding for Bike Paths

Active Transport Fund 2025

Melton City Council has welcomed $2.1 million from the Australian Government for the construction of shared use bicycle and walking paths in Burnside and Caroline Springs.

The funding was announced by the Hon. Brendan O'Connor MP, Federal Member for Gorton, joined City of Melton Mayor, Cr Steve Abboushi at the site in Burnside site last week.

The contribution from the Australian Government's Active Transport Fund, will provide a safe alternative for residents to travel to work, school, public transport, shops, sporting and community facilities, and help to alleviate congestion on the roads.

Burnside will see three kilometres of shared path constructed along the eastern side of Westwood Drive from Rockbank Middle Road to Quinn Street, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to travel safely through to Ballarat Road.

The project is anticipated to cost just under $2 million, with $969,527 covered by the Active Transport Fund and the remainder to be funded by Council.

Both sides of the Caroline Springs Boulevard and Gourlay Road corridor will see improved safety with the installation of new shared use crossings and the modification of existing zebra crossings to shared use ones.

This will allow pedestrians and cyclists to safely travel along the 8.5 kilometre stretch and connect to Caroline Springs station, schools, shops, and sport and community facilities.

The project is expected to cost just under $2.3 million, with $1,147,093 covered by the Active Transport Fund and the remainder to be funded by Council.

The designs for both projects will be undertaken in 2025/26, with construction expected to commence in 2026/27.

Quotes attributable to City of Melton, Mayor Cr Steve Abboushi:

"I'd like to thank the Australian Government for the $2.1 million Active Transport funding for these vitally important projects. Strong partnerships, like this, enable Council to deliver quality infrastructure for our residents."

"This will help reduce reliance on cars and give residents the option to walk or cycle to schools, shops, work, and more, and improve their health and wellbeing while doing so."

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