Wentworth Shire Council is embarking on a comprehensive study to develop a Sporting Master Plan for the Buronga / Gol Gol area. This follows the Buronga / Gol Gol Structure Plan 2020, delving deeper into the evolving sporting and recreational needs of the Buronga / Gol Gol community.

The Sporting Master Plan aims to strategically assess the future sporting and recreational requirements of our growing community. Factors to be considered include the projected population growth, demographic profiles, current sporting facilities, diversity of sports, distribution, adequacy, and comparison with facilities in other areas within Wentworth Shire and Mildura Rural City.
To facilitate this process, Council has engaged Simon Leisure Consulting, a sports and recreation planning consultant, to prepare the Sporting Master Plan.
Residents of Buronga and Gol Gol play a pivotal role in this project. Council invite you to participate in a community survey to gauge current and future sporting interests and preferences. Your input will shape the direction of the Sporting Master Plan and ensure it aligns with community aspirations.
Meetings with existing sporting clubs in Buronga and Gol Gol have already taken place, and your input will further enrich the planning process.
The survey will only take approximately 5 minutes to complete and will remain open until Friday 31 May 2024.