ACCI is calling on National Cabinet to release a national scorecard on the reopening of the economy after tomorrow's meeting to coincide with the health metrics the country is now on track to meet.
"Australian businesses need a national scorecard which shows how far each state and territory has progressed against the reopening plan agreed at last month's National Cabinet meeting," ACCI Chief Economist Dr Ross Lambie said.
"Today we've seen strong signs that confidence in the economy is lifting – a national scorecard will help propel business confidence further.
"October's in-principle framework for reopening was an encouraging first step, but it won't mean much unless it is implemented by states and territories.
"If we are to make the most of Australia's success in controlling community transmission, all states and territories need to ease remaining border restrictions by the end of November. We should also be entering COVID normal trading conditions by the end of this month, in order to take advantage of the December period, the most important of the year.
"The current easing of restrictions by states and territories is being done in a piecemeal approach. What we're asking for is an easy-to-read snapshot so people in business know where each state and territory's restrictions are at, and if they are on track to meet the national reopening timetable.
"Clarity on the limits of gatherings in businesses and public places, such as the one person per two or four square metre rule, and on the movement of people is critical to supporting lifting confidence.
"We know 2021 is going to be challenging. We need the strongest launch pad possible to move into the new year with a unified approach. A national scorecard will help lift household and business confidence in the economy as we enter the new year."