Busy Weekend For Western Road Police

Western road police are calling for people to heed safety advice, following a series of offences detected over the weekend.

Acting Inspector Martin Parker said a range of drivers had been caught driving dangerously, drink driving, speeding and driving while disqualified.

"On Saturday evening a 32-year-old Penguin man was arrested after reportedly evading police, crossing train lines and driving into an apple orchard on Mersey Main Road at Spreyton," he said.

"The vehicle's registration had expired, the driver was unlicensed and he returned a positive drug test."

"The man was charged with a range of offences and had his vehicle seized by police."

"The same day, a 20-year-old man from Mountain River was charged with drink driving after he was intercepted on Edward Street, Devonport and returned a reading of 0.140."

"Also on Saturday, a 29-year-old man from Wynyard was charged with evading police and speeding after being caught on Calder Road at Wynyard."

"On Sunday, a 37-year-old man from Upper Burnie was caught driving while disqualified after a random intercept on Reeve Street, South Burnie."

"Three men were also caught speeding on the Murchison Highway between Tullah and Waratah on Sunday."

"A 34-year-old man and a 68-year-old man both from Victoria were each caught driving at 137 km/h in a 100 km/h zone."

"A 31-year-old man from Shorewell Park was caught at 125 km/h."

"Police will continue to enforce the road rules to keep everyone in our community safe."

"If you're committing an offence, you can expect to be caught."

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